Hausla is a 21-Day Mental Well-being audio series designed specifically to support teachers/educators to explore and identify tools & practices for personal well-being.
The design journey and content are inspired by an extensive body of work of Albert Bandura, Daniel Goldman’s Triple Focus (2014), Frans de Waal’s Age of Empathy (2009) SEE Learning Curriculum by Emory University, Cognitive Based Compassion Training® and more such insightful writings by Thich Nhat Hanh and Paul Ekman have inspired the design journey.
Tech Sahayak
An inclusive education platform empowering elders on how to use their smartphones in personalized online classrooms.
Hausla is a 21-Day Mental Well-being audio series designed specifically to support teachers/educators to explore and identify tools & practices for personal well-being.
The design journey and content are inspired by an extensive body of work of Albert Bandura, Daniel Goldman’s Triple Focus (2014), Frans de Waal’s Age of Empathy (2009) SEE Learning Curriculum by Emory University, Cognitive Based Compassion Training® and more such insightful writings by Thich Nhat Hanh and Paul Ekman have inspired the design journey.
Tech Sahayak
An inclusive education platform empowering elders on how to use their smartphones in personalized online classrooms.
Jewellery Shoot, Reels
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Power in Numbers